How you simply test with TestHiFi
You could test your audio system in the quietest room on earth, with no reflections of sound and no ambience influences. Or you use TestHiFi – a simple tool that you can use everywhere to test an audio systems HiFi capability.
TestHiFi measures in three positions average, to limit room influences. It measures standard industry criteria like, frequency range, harmonic distortions, multi-tone and aurally-weighted intermodulation.
TestHiFi uses such diverse criteria to identify flaws in a tested system. Severe flaws, identified in audio systems, lead a rating red. Less severe flaws identified, lead to amber and systems with only minor or no flaws are rated green.
TestHiFi allows you in three steps to prepare and test an audio system.
- connect your device by wire or wireless with the audio system
- adjust the sound level on your device and at the audio system, to the required level and
- perform the test with your device in the three TestHiFi positions.
TestHiFi delivers ratings for the tested system.
TestHiFi measures and rates the received sound of the complex TestHiFi test signal played back by the system you are testing. In rare cases, a test may fail or be inaccurate; as for any audio test, environment or setup conditions may potentially influence the test.
Since TestHiFi will play a specific very complex test signal on the audio system, your mobile device need to connect to the audio system. Please note, you achieve best results with wired connection or specific high audio quality wireless connections. After you connected your device, level the loudness of the test signal. Hold your device 0.5m to the CENTER height of only ONE! Speaker. Turn the device with the microphone towards the speaker. When leveling stereo systems, face it to either stereo speaker. While the leveling signal continuously plays, adjust sound level with slider on device and with audio system main volume control, until all indicators are green. In case you can not set indicator “Test Signal Level” to green, the following test can only deliver red scores, as the minimum loudness level for HiFi was not reached.
The three test positions
For the first test position, hold mobile device with 0.5m distance to the CENTER height of ONE! speaker. Make sure your arm is fully stretched, when holding device in 0.5m distance to speaker. Push the button on your screen to start the first measurement. Do not change your position for next test, other than moving your arm. Only after the measurement is completed (test signal stopped for a few seconds and screen changed to next position), move your arm to the next test position.
For the second test position, hold mobile device close to your body. Easiest, next to your head, close to ear. However best would be at lower height, e.g. your shoulder. Microphone might correctly face upwards in this position; best is pointing at speaker. Do not change position for next test, other than moving your arm. After measurement is completed, move your arm to the next test position.
For the third test position, hold mobile device sideways with your arm fully stretched. Height should be slightly below shoulder. Microphone might correctly face sideward or upward in this position, however, best is pointing at speaker.
Testing subwoofer systems or surround sound systems
For testing of subwoofer systems or surround sound systems, in some cases it might be the best test position while seating in listening (sweet spot) position. For the first test position, face mobile device to CENTER height of ONE! main stereo speaker, preferably the one closer to subwoofer. Then continue for second and third test, with previously-described arm movement.
All sound tests are subject to ambience influences
In case a test, respectively a measurement failed, repeat the test with focus on following guidance for test positions and movements: level ‘test signal’ well above the 85dB threshold, while ‘surrounding noise’ should be as low as possible. You might slightly change your position or also slightly change the audio system’s position, this might help for better coupling to the room’s acoustics. After all, TestHiFi is so quick, easy, and fun, that you actually more likely want to analyze averages of several measurements.
Enjoy testing with TestHiFi, it is much quicker und simpler as this longer explanations might make it look like.