„ghost fundamental“ and „engaging sound”
Music makes you sleepy on some seats in a concert hall. The same music on other seats in the same concert hall totally engages you. On the latter seat it makes you totally feel the […]
The Sound of Distortion
Some personal thoughts about Distortion During the last years there seems to be a refreshed trend to relate sound characteristics of amplifiers to their distortion characteristics. I have no expertise about amplifiers and distortion, since […]
Which audio measurements are for whom?
This question implies there are audio relevant measurements selected from a variety of measurements and out of those there are different audio measurements of relevance for different users. And again, there is an assumption of […]
Why is flat frequency response so important?
Frequency response is a way to describe the output of a speaker system. Talking about speaker systems we can look at it as a whole or as individual components. With components reaching across the whole […]
High Frequencies (HF) – More Questions Than Answers
The picture on top shows 100 ms of the room response after an initial impulse was radiated by the loudspeaker. Since low frequency (LF) energy is distributed over time what we see is mostly high […]
Music for unborn babies
Some studies indicate that, if you play music to the unborn babies, they can hear and even react to the sound by moving or with the rhythm of their breathing. Research and specialists make us […]
Modal coupling – aka Low Frequency Optimization
Modal coupling is about how your loudspeaker’s and listening position influence the reproduction of low frequencies (LF) in your room. Fundamental frequencies We have been talking about room modes in the resonance blog. At a […]
Signal latency and cutouts
Signal latency and cutouts are not the first thing that comes to your mind, when developing a tool to measure minimum criteria for HiFi capability of an audio system. Making things easier and user friendly […]
Acoustic radiation impedance
What is radiation impedance? Let us have a look at Wikipedia: “Acoustic impedance and specific acoustic impedance are measures of the opposition that a system presents to the acoustic flow resulting of an acoustic pressure […]
How to separate the wheat from the chaff when selecting audio systems?
Wouldn’t it be good to have a label on audio systems that informs us about the product quality ranking? Like on TV, a full HD or 4K sticker. This would not differentiate between high-end products, […]