My HiFi Story
Music, and it’s reproduction Hi. This is David Haigner. I intend to share my personal reflexion about music, measurement and observations, based on my own journey towards high fidelity music reproduction. I will not care […]
Why people buy crappy sounding systems
(and how they could test them before buying)… Listening or measuring A decision to buy a sound system is usually based on listening experience and merely on measurements. This is probably true for rather high-end […]
Reflection and Diffraction of sound
A complex mixture of reflection and diffraction happens to sound that hits an object of similar dimension as the wavelengths of the sound signal. Interestingly, sound waves bend around objects. Wavelength again The easiest way […]
How to TestHiFi your own system at home?
Many people question why to test the own system at home. Most of them fully understand the value of TestHiFi when buying an audio system. TestHiFi helps to check the HiFi capability of an audio […]
Resonance, standing waves and room modes
Room modes Resonance happens in systems that can oscillate. Rooms are such systems, and their resonances are called room modes. Loudspeakers excite these room modes more or less depending on their position, creating so-called standing […]
TestHiFi microphone calibration
TestHiFi microphone calibration is important, because TestHiFi measures the HiFi capability of a sound system by sending a complex test signal through the sound system and recording the signal played back by the sound system. […]
Acoustical interference and comb filtering
Interference is what music rooms imprint on the reproduction of our music. Take a seat in the „sweet spot“ in front of two stereo loudspeakers. If both radiate the same frequency, their signals add up […]
HiFi – what exactly does it mean? High Fidelity definition, DIN, EN, ISO, IEEE?
What is the HiFi standard? Nowadays, if we want to know something, we look into Wikipedia and here we get: High fidelity (often shortened to hi-fi or hifi) is a term used by listeners, audiophiles […]
The origin of the idea TestHiFi
I have turned into an audiophile The idea TestHiFi started several years ago, when I wanted to listen to better music. I was fed up with the wishy washy, just ok, and loud enough sound […]